Neighbors For Smart Growth recognizes the vital importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in promoting livable and sustainable communities. Unfortunately, the most undesirable elements of development very often fall disproportionately on the populations with the least resources. Therefore, we advocate to address inequalities among current populations as well as protect the rights of future generations to enjoy a quality of life that is equal or superior to our own.
We believe that every resident should have a voice in local land use planning processes and we strive to involve all affected stakeholders in our projects. We rely on input from diverse members of the community in an attempt to ensure that our goals advance the public interest.
Furthermore, in our advocacy for improved access to transit and Active Transportation, we size the need address the inequalities faced by communities or color and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations.
For more information about specific projects, please navigate to Our Work to see a list of Highlighted Projects.
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