5th Johnson Creek Cleanup and Neighborhood Work Party
Date/Time: Sunday, March 19th, from 2-5pm
Meeting Location: South end of SW 95th Ave @ Spring Crest Dr.
Please lend a hand this Sunday, March 19th, 2 to 5 pm for our monthly Ivy Pull event. We will meet at the South end of SW 95th Ave @ Spring Crest Dr. (where the Trail heads up the hill to Sunset Station). A limited number of extra tools will be available to share this time (no tool trailer) so, if possible, please bring your own clippers and gloves.
Many thanks to Walker Garbage Service for offering to sponsor a drop box for disposing and hauling out all the debris. It is already in place on Friday for this weekend’s event! The Walker family grew up and still live in the neighborhood. They are excited about the project and are looking forward to enjoying the new trail.
Hope to see you on Sunday!
Background: Neighbors For Smart Growth (NFSG) was awarded a grant by the Metro Council in 2016 to help restore habitat and plan a nature trail along North Johnson Creek between Catlin Gabel School (SW 90th Ave) and SW 95th Ave. During this project, we will be removing invasive plant species and re-planting native species along the stream corridor. The volunteer time that we record will be credited through the Metro program and will help pay for professional trail planning later in the project.
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