Please join the neighborhood and Metro Grant partners in another fun afternoon of removing ivy and other invasive plant species to help restore the natural habitat of the headwaters of N. Johnson Creek and its corridor. We will be working just across the fence from the Creekside at Westhaven HOA. It’s a family-friendly opportunity for friends and neighbors to help restore a wonderful natural corridor.
Headwaters of N. Johnson Creek Natural Habitat Restoration Work Party
Date/Time: Sunday, November 20th, from 1-4 pm
Location: Clean Water Services (CWS) Gate at the end of SW Mozart Terrace
See map:
The Tualatin River Watershed Council Coordinator will be there to answer questions and the Clean Water Services (CWS) tool trailer will be on site with tools and gloves.
Hope to see you there,
Neighbors For Smart Growth
Email: Phone: (503) 260-2606 (Jake Mintz, Project Manager)
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