NeighborsForSmartGrowth Supporters and Westhaven Neighbors,
A public hearing is scheduled before the Beaverton Planning Commission for the Planned Unit Development (Conceptual Master Plan) of the Peterkort property at and around the Sunset Transit Station. (see City of Beaverton website’s Peterkort page)
Beaverton Planning Commission Hearing
Peterkort’s Sunset Station Area Planned Unit Development Hearing
Wednesday, October 30th
6:30 PM
Beaverton City Hall
The focus for this ‘conceptual’ PUD is to show how the road system can handle the increased traffic from the large number of residential (approximately 1900 apartments) and huge commercial development (expected to be several times larger than Washington Square. Impacts have been studied with road improvements planned for intersections as far away as Cornell, Cedar Hills Blvd and Leahy Rd. [Website: ]
The letter below is a variation of testimony emailed to the city to emphasis neighborhood need for safe pedestrian and bike connections from Westhaven to the transit station, including a pedestrian bridge or underpass (‘vertical or grade separated crossing’) to provide residences with a safe crossing of an increasingly dangerous Barnes Road. Attached is a similar letter from Washington County Staff to the City strongly supporting pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Please consider submitting comments and showing support, by attending the hearing.
Additional information available at the City’s website or through Beaverton City Associate Planner Jana Fox.
Requirements & Deadlines for letters and testimony:
1. Planning Commission Hearing: Wednesday, October 30th @ 6:30 PM
2. Letter submission deadline to be included with Staff’s packet: Wed, Oct 23rd @ 5:00PM
3. Letters can be submitted right up to the hearing or presented there, if you testify on the 30th.
4. Copies: Single page letters can be sent in, with Beaverton Staff providing copies.
Multiple page letters require that you provide 10 copies whether you submit in advance or provide at the time of oral testimony.
Sample Letter
Email or deliver to Jana Fox:
Associate Planner | Community & Economic Development
City of Beaverton
PO Box 4755
Beaverton OR 97076-4755
RE: Sunset Station & Barnes Road PUD Case File No: CU2013-0003
Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Sunset Station and Barnes Rd PUD. The high density commercial and residential development in and around Sunset Transit Station PUD Area poses many transportation and livability challenges at the Station and in the surrounding neighborhoods. The PUD application should include the following conditions of approval requirements:
A. Transportation improvements, with TDT funds credited in their implementation, including:
1. Provide Active Transportation Facilities, as prescribed in Washington County Staff’s recommended facility improvements, are critical for public safety and for achieving Regional 2035 Active Transportation goals.
2. A grade separated over- or under-crossing of Barnes Rd connecting Sunset Transit Center with uses on the north side (neighborhoods) should be required to ensure safe, direct pedestrian access to the station. ( A bridge or underpass)
3. Provide Trail connections to Westhaven, to the North and to contribute to regional connections of the Fanno Creek Trail and the bike path along the South side of Hwy 26 toward Portland.
4. Transportation impact study and mitigation for the Sunset Light Rail Station platform and its access for all transportation modes. Facility impacts and mitigation is required so that the station is not ‘over capacity’ at build out, as occurred with the parking garage, the day it opened.
B. Majority of the development fees paid to the Parks District should be conditioned for use in the PUD and within ½ mile of the light rail station to mitigate park and trail deficiencies that will otherwise exist with the planned high density PUD build out.
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